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K-12 Education Facts & Figures

K-12 public education is the largest category of spending in the Kansas budget, so you should learn about the return you're getting for your investment. We're spending a lot of time discussing how to improve student success in Kansas with strategies to support teachers and make schools and district administrators accountable to parents.

The main point is that Kansas K-12 students in public schools continue to fall behind academically -- the national assessments prove it. Check out the chart below and see why I'm so concerned -- you should be, too:

NAEP Scores in Kansas

The 2022 NAEP results are just the latest example of persistently low achievement in Kansas.  Only 21% of Kansas graduates who took the ACT are college-ready in four core subjects, and the state assessment shows more students are below grade level than are proficient

This information comes straight from the Kansas Department of Education. You can learn more and get insights and more data here.


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